Current Studies

Noninvasive neuromodulation of a novel cerebellar satiety circuit in PWS

The complex phenotype of Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) includes neurodevelopmental delay, psychiatric features, and multiple physical and behavioral characteristics, including obesity secondary to hyperphagia and reduced metabolism. We are using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and functional neuroimaging to test the involvement of a novel network, the cerebellar-VS circuit, in regulating food intake in PWS, representing cutting-edge development in the circuit basis of hyperphagia in PWS.

ANSWER: Neurobiological underpinnings of avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder in adults

Individuals with ARFID severely restrict their food intake – by volume and/or variety – due to reasons that often overlap including fear of aversive consequences, lack of interest in eating or food, and sensory sensitivity. We propose that dysfunctional endocrine signaling acts on neural circuitry to produce observable behavioral symptoms that comprise the three ARFID phenotypes. Through a combination of clinical interviews, endocrine signal monitoring, and functional neuroimaging, we hope to advance precision medicine in ARFID.

COUNTERACT: Cognitive and neural mechanisms of cognitive-behavioral therapy for ARFID

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a leading evidence-based treatment for other eating disorders but has yet to be rigorously tested for ARFID. Our team has developed a manualized cognitive-behavioral therapy for ARFID, wherein the active ingredient is exposure based on inhibitory learning. To test the efficacy of this new treatment, we are conducting a randomized control trial to evaluate behavioral (clinical symptoms) and neural (fear circuitry) correlates of adolescents with ARFID after having received nutritional counseling versus CBT-AR.

CRISP: Validation of a novel cerebellar-striatal satiety circuit in humans

We propose a model that identifies the cerebellar-VS circuit as a critical network involved in regulating reward-based satiation and food intake. This experiment conducts a TMS circuit manipulation experiment to test the hypothesis that targeting the cerebellum can alter activity in response to food cues to advance the understanding of this novel brain circuit involved in feeding behavior. We combine neuroimaging with clinical assessments, food-related behavioral tasks, and food consumption to evaluate appetite reward response after TMS circuit modulation.